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bUneke works today to change tomorrow through professional storytelling that features other charities and change makers in our magazines, films, podcasts, and events.
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Shoutout Social asked the founders of bUneke some important questions, like every day, we hear about how much execution matters, but we think ideas matter as well. How did bUneke come up with the idea for the business?
Jennifer East and Mary Brotherton had been friends and work colleagues for years, then Jennifer introduced Lynn Carol to Mary and a third instant friend had been created. Though a long way from retirement, the three women felt they had reached a point in life where they needed to take control. They’d all worked in creative fields, and each brought a unique skill-set and valuable traits that supported the others. For instance. Lynn had been an event coordinator, entertainer, and instinctive mentor to younger co-workers. Jennifer has been in the entertainment field for many years as an artist, graphic artist, and natural networker, in addition to creating her own magazines and working on both ends of the camera as a film maker and talented actor. Mary is a gifted writer, editor, and administrator.
They often discussed dissatisfaction with their jobs and how they wanted to do something more meaningful with the rest of their lives. Several conversations led to the point of creation, until, one day over lunch, as they were brainstorming, they decided to create a digital magazine.
Read the full story here.
Yvonne said: Our world is filled with amazing people, fascinating places and wonderful organizations that work toward building a peaceful and beautiful place to live. We all play a role that may seem small but can make an enormous impact. As a not-for-profit organization, bUneke gets its income from donors, sponsors, advertisers, and the sale of bUneke merchandise. All of the proceeds go back into the mission of working today to change tomorrow. All of the work is done on a volunteer basis. bUneke started with forward-thinking professionals with a philanthropic view to changing the world.
Listen to the podcast here.
In this episode Sammie interviews bUneke founders Mary Brotherton and Jennifer East. Find out how bUneke got its name and all it has to offer from their magazines to podcast. Find out about upcoming art contest for kids and how many places they have reached. Be inspired to bUneke and don't forget to listen til the end to see what makes Mary and Jennifer smile!
Watch here.
When two friends meet on air, there is never a dull moment. Laughter is at its highest. Conversation never ceases, as the good times roll. Mary shares about her book, her podcast, her magazine, events coming up for bUnique, and even about her upcoming Angel book for children. Mary is a one- of- a kind type of gal. I guess you can say, Mary is Unique. Listen and learn how you can find your purpose and go forth and bear fruit.
Watch here.
Wow Mom host Ellen Mongan interviews the co-founders Mary Brotherton and Jennifer East, of They were a delight. The show will be an inspiration to all of the blessing of being a giver and the art of being yourself. These ladies encourage the audience to do what you love and love what you do. Maybe you never heard of the Magazine bUneke! listen, learn and tell a friend. There is a place at the table for all. Listen and watch here!
Hometown News Reports
Hippo Roofing Awards bUneke $100 to help further our efforts to print and distribute a local, community version of bUneke Magazine. At the same time, Rocket Group gave bUneke a second grant of $500.
A $1,000 grant from Conquest Graphics goes a long way toward printing issues of bUneke Magazine and we are very grateful to have the opportunity to continue to apply for this award, year after year.
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