bUneke is a Global Storytelling Powerhouse for Positive Change.
bUneke works today to change tomorrow through professional storytelling that helps other charities be seen and heard.
• Align your brand with a forward-thinking 501c3 educational charity that highlights the good in this world.
• Support global education for solutions to today’s issues.
• Receive a direct link back to your cause.
bUneke is a Global Storytelling Powerhouse for Positive Change! We work today to change tomorrow through professional storytelling that helps other charities be seen and heard through magazine features, films, podcasts, and events.
bUneke Magazine Subscription Program is Exciting news! Your donation of just $5 a month guarantees you will receive four printed issues throughout the year** (within the United States / added shipping fees for overseas). If you would like more than one copy of any issue, contact us. Special pricing is available for more than 10 copies. Unique content in every version.
Contact mary@bUneke.org for more info!
Issue 28 brings back our printed version, filled with joy, hope, and positivity.To subscribe, order a copy, or advertise in upcoming issue, please contact connect@buneke.org
A fun collaboration with MoxieBoxArt.com! Read, be inspired and get creative with awesome activities! Contact us with future ideas and if you would like copies for your class.
Jacob W.
Visit our page on Facebook to see images from previous events and to learn more about our 7th MetaFest, taking place on September 7th!
Click any cover below and enjoy reading right now! NO signup - NO kidding! Links are live throughout the magazine! Be sure to share!
Order your hardcopy now (past/present). Need to order 10 or more hard copies of any one issue? Contact us today for a discount! mary@bUneke.org
This issue is filled with people who are living proof that dreams can and do come true! From stories about MoxieBox Art's Everyday Hero, Tysen Knight in California, to Okeke Chidi Chinwendu's oration about his not-for-profit organization in Nigeria, these stories are read by the writers and filled with Pierre's narration.
Many thanks to our amazing volunteer, Pierre Ambrose, who creates this awesome audio magazine experience for us each issue!
Passion is the theme for this issue and while bUneke’s writers always write with passion, this time, the word came out in many of this issue’s articles. Passion is what motivates us to do the things we love. It’s as simple as that.
Learn about our world! Listen to global voices as they share their thoughts from India, Japan, Korea, Germany, and the USA.
Some of the subjects covered in this audio version of Issue 20 are: homelessness, POTS, learning platforms, expectations, philanthropy, animals, pilgrimages, stress, childbirth during a pandemic, art, spirituality, saving the world, schynronicity, hope, climate change, and stardust!
Issue 19 is a call to change. Listen as host Pierre guides you through this amazing issue! Sit back and enjoy all the stories featured in bUneke Magazine!
Issue 18 has you reflecting and remembering 2020, but only the good stuff. Many thanks to our host Franklin Prather who volunteers his time and energy for a wonderful audio version of bUneke Magazine!
Issue 17 features positivity through the pandemic. Listen as Franklin Prather masterfully complies the stories for you to enjoy! Listen in and learn!
Issue 16 is filled with kindness and caring. Franklin Prather has done it again! He’s taken audio clips from our writers around the world and made a well-thought out audio issue just for U!
You've Got to Listen to This! Many thanks to audio expert and bUneke board member Franklin Prather for this amazing assembly and recording of issue 15!
Would you like to volunteer your voice to record earlier issues and more recent issues as well? Maybe you only want to record one story and let someone else create the audio magazine. Just let us know what you want to do. Email mary@buneke.org and let her know you want to be one of the Voices of bUneke.
Your products are sent to our reviewers just like they are to any customer. Neither bUneke nor our reviewers are offered any compensation. Our reviewers range from teens to seniors. If you are looking for a specific demographic, let us know!
The product review section in the magazine is highlighted in each issue, and includes a live link to your website and an affiliate's link on our website! How can you pass up this no-cost-to-you opportunity?
Each product is given a score based on the following criteria (one point for each):
The best score is 10 out of 10
• Earth-friendly product
• Earth-friendly packaging
• Budget-friendly
• Uneke
• Lives up to the hype
• Stylish
• Useful
• Philanthropic outlook
• Easy to understand/use
• I would buy it.
Contact us today at bUneke.assists@gmail.com for information on where to send your product(s) or places to review.
bUneke Magazine’s writers, editors, and photographers bring to life the stories you love to read. Our writers and editors live all over the world! Click to meet them all and be sure to read bUneke Magazine for their full bios. You can join them! If you've always wanted to be a published writer, email mary@bUneke.org
How many difference-makers, individuals, companies, or organizations do U know? Who do U know that understands what it means to b The Change? Email mary@buneke.org and tell her!
U send them. We review them! Each product is given a score based on specific criteria. Contact us today at bUneke.assists@gmail.com for information on where to send your product(s) or places to review.
Align your brand with one of the fastest-growing interactive, digital magazines to have direct links to your customized contact info. Don't wait. Collaborate with us today! Hurry! Contact us now to learn how.
"bUneke really is a Global Storytelling Powerhouse for Positive Change! Thank you for what you do." - Tej Patil, Chezuba
"Amazing work, once again! I took my time to read every word and watch every YouTube clip! It was all so worth it! Overall, this was a fantastic issue. It had variety, information, inspiration, and diversity in article content. I’ve told my sister-in-law who works in Whole Foods about bUneke and TerraCycle, to see if those two companies can work together, and I can’t wait to tell my pastor about bUneke and the Wear Gloves article! bUneke is so sharable, because each article reminds me of one of my friends! I’m also wanting to buy a copy of Being Unapologetic. Happily, every single YouTube link and website link worked perfectly and enhanced the stories so extremely well. Continue being amazing! This issue inspired me deeply!!!" - Megan M., FL, Performer, Artist
"Wow! Speechless. Only had a second to view but what I saw was AMAZING! Brilliant concept! Can't wait to delve in and read. How can I share on FB? I'll read it page to page, word for word. Simply put, OUTSTANDING!" - Allie H., FL, Personal chef, Educator
"Easy layout, quick links and all in order. It’s Awesome! I love it! The content was strong and it’s true, you all do the hard stuff and find the best things and bring it right to your readers!" - Timothy Foxx, FL, Entertainment Manager
Thank you so much again for including Rescuing Leftover Cuisine in your amazing magazine! - Margarita, Rescuing Leftover Cuisine
"This global magazine is shining light onto people who are truly making a difference in this world. The genuine and inspirational stories have shown me that no matter who you are, you can still make an impact. bUneke is also highlighting these organizations and getting the public inspired to either donate or volunteer to help others. It is amazing what we are able to accomplish when we come together to help others!" - Dakota Duchaine, Educator
"Making a difference, one human being at a time ♥ Reminding us it's ok to be who we are, and to have hope for a better world of peace and acceptance through ourselves, each other, and the examples we set forth for others." - Julie A., Author
"The format is so cool. I’ve never seen anything like it." - Stefanie Wilson, Mercy For Animals, West Hollywood, CA
"Congratulations on this milestone. I think it looks good! May your readership/ circulation increase exponentially." - Hank R., FL, Retired NASA Safety Engineer
"I especially liked the toilet paper article! Who Gives a Crap, bUneke Magazine, Issue 1" - Athena S., FL, Paralegal
"Very cool. Love the animations." - John W., FL, Retired Electrical Engineer
"Impressed by how beautiful the magazine looks and how easy the online version is to navigate. It is really attractive to read." - Dorothy Harris, Freelance Writer
"So incredibly excited to have the opportunity to collaborate with bUneke! I really enjoy your social media content - from your stories about conservation and sustainability to your profiles about incredibly unique people doing good things in the world. Thank you for being a positive light on my feed. I always look forward to your postings!" Allegra M, Artist - @thepetalpeddlersshop
Copyright © 2024 bUneke.org | All Rights Reserved | 501c3 Educational Charity | EIN 82-4794735
We do not collect personal data. Please view our policy page for complete details.