Contact us with your story ideas!
Contact us with your story ideas!
bUneke UnScripted • Thursdays at 9pm
Go with Angels • Fridays at 11am
It's Pretty Much Fantastic • 1st & 3rd Fridays* at 2pm * Times may vary
Manifest Mondays • Mondays at 11am
On Demand • Surprise! It's on demand.
Sally Cares • 2nd & 4th Fridays at 2pm
Transformations with Elisa • Tuesday nights at 7pm
Find more great shows in our archives:
Best Life-ing
Coffee, Candy & Creatives
Helping & Thinking
Here I Am
Just Ask Mary
Take a Break
The Ripple Effect
Walking the Path
All shows are released in Eastern Time
Our global audience is growing rapidly!
People in 98 countries listen to us on 47 platforms.
All shows are released in Eastern Time
Our global audience is growing rapidly!
People in 98 countries listen to us on 47 platforms.
Do you have a show idea that you want to explore? We are always looking for new show ideas! Contact for all the details!
Join bUneke UnScripted as we talk with guests from all over the world, on Thursdays at 9 p.m. Eastern Time and by special requests, at other times.
Become a sponsor and put your name in front of our growing, global audience. Thousands of people in 101 countries listen to our shows.
• Guests are booking several months in advance! Reserve your space now!
• Be a part of the show! Call in after 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time! 516-418-5651 in the USA. Dial your country's exit code, then 1-516-418-5651 or use Whats App or Skype to call us!
• Have a great story? Want to share your talent with our growing audience? Want to advertise on the show? Email for all the details today!
Current sponsors for this popular show are Elisa Kehler, The Little Green Oasis, and You can join them and Sponsor this show to connect your brand to blog posts, magazine articles and podcast episodes, starting at $15. Email mary@buneke.orgto get your brand in front of bUneke's audience of 2+million!
Join our host, Tony Taylor, for fun, entertaining, and educational shows! Become a follower today! Listen live or at your convenience. Call 516-418-5651 to be a part of our show!
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Listen to Issues on the go! Just click, sit back and hear the voices of bUneke!
We started our audio version with Issue 14 and there is something for everyone in every issue! If you prefer to read the stories Click Here!
In the world of art, nothing compares to the size, scope, and majesty of Wyland’s work around the world. We all share a special connection with our blue planet.
The Wyland Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is dedicated to promoting, protecting, and preserving the world’s ocean, waterways, and marine life.
Learn more!
bUneke Production visited Green Gables at Historic Riverview Village in Melbourne, Florida and fell in love with the home, history and the mission of the nonprofit that has taken on the challenge to raise funds to purchase the property from its current owners, and also created a documentary for the organization.
Learn more:
Cheri Livingston has been spearheading thesecondopinion, a San Francisco-based nonprofit providing free, comprehensive second opinions to adults diagnosed with new or recurring cancers since 2014.
Donate so we can keep producing top episodes like this one.
When the founders of bUneke met her, we just called her "Gabby" and it took months to discover her real name. All we knew was she made us laugh and we had to have her on UnScripted!
Donate so we can bring you more entertaining episodes to our radio show.
Discover why Jennifer thinks Mary is making a smoothie on live radio as they discuss a Forgotten Enchantress, a basketball coach and The Clauses, and other things, including road trips and sleeping together.
Let bUneke UnScripted introduce your brand to our followers. Learn how easy it is!
When bUneke received a press release about Fight Procrastination Day, we were swamped with getting the next issue out, so the press release wasn't read until much later. Jeff Kreisler graciously agreed to join us, anyway!
Peter Rosenberger is the author of 7 Caregiver Landmines and How You Can Avoid Them.
He's on social media. @hope4caregiver
The members of the PEACECORE board of directors work, without compensation, longer and harder than other volunteers and there must be a reason behind all the time they donate, not to mention the money they contribute toward making this organization sustainable!
Born Alfred Petonoquot, he adopted David Languedoc as his name, then was given the Spiritual name - Thundervoice. When given this name he was blessed by the Elder to continue sharing his message with as many people as possible. The Elder felt that Indigenous and non-Indigenous could benefit from his experiences.
Sammie Vance works every day to spread kindness and end loneliness. She talks with bUneke about why this is important to her.
Would you like to sponsor shows like this that make you feel good? Contact us to find out how easy it is!
Donate so we can bring you more entertaining episodes to our radio show.
Marcetta Davis-Linton is an old soul who comes from a long line of strong women and aligns herself with inspirational woman and is okay being her town’s crazy dog mom.
Contact us to find out how to align your brand with this international show that stays booked eight months in advance!
Learn more about the historic Green Gables house and pledge a donation to help save this bridge to the past. Until 2004, this home was lived in by members of the same family - since 1896! Help us help them preserve this history.
Want to sponsor a show like this? Ask how!
Spiritual healer and medium, Elisa Kehler returns as our guest and co-host as she trains to take over one night each month on bUneke UnScripted. Be sure to call her with your questions! 516-418-5651
Donate so we can bring you more exciting episodes to our radio show.
May 4, 2020 • We have an early morning edition to bUneke Radio as we welcome artist Casey Rivera to the show.
April 23, 2020
Elizabeth McCulloch was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and lived in New England, the Midwest, Canada, and the South before putting down roots and finding her home in Gainesville, Florida, almost 40 years ago. Previously a lawyer, then a teacher, she has had children of various stripes. We'll learn what that means and discuss her first novel, Dreaming the Marsh.
April 30, 2020
Since the virulent spread of the covid-19 virus, more and more people grow restless, allowing fear and boredom to affect their attitudes, their judgement and their happiness. Elisa has worked to be a beacon of light in the darkness of uncertainty.
May 7, 2020
Elizabeth Fullington carries on her mother's legacy through the Ruby Holland Foundation. Discover her driving force!
The doors of opportunity were opened to children who wanted to learn music regardless of their age, financial or social status.
May 14, 2020
Nelson Mandela's granddaughter, South African writer, and activist, Zoleka Mandela, has joined the global medical humanitarian organization, Global Access to Cancer Care Foundation and we'll talk with Tonya Steiner, Executive Director of GACCF about what this means to the organization.
May 21, 2020
Kathleen Price, The owner of The Little Green Oasis shares her knowledge about urban gardening and much, much more!
Donate so we can bring you more entertaining episodes to our radio show.
June 18, 2020 • Sharon Black
Sharon Black lives in Smith Center, Kansas, center of the USA. She has written short stories and co-wrote a movie, Home on the Range. When not promoting Home on the Range and volunteering for the Kanza House Library & Museum, she works fulltime.
Sharon is distantly related to Mississippi writer Eudora Welty.
bUneke Magazine honors 10 different charities in 2019. Listen to some of their stories and then, read all their stories!
He has SIX! He also created an app to help teach them about earning money, charity, investing and saving. Read how he did it and listen to the show!
What can happen when our special co-host, Elisa Kehler attempts to take over? We're grooming Lisa to take over the show!
Be like Elisa! Sponsor an episode or two. Ask us how.
June 4, 2020
Megan Prowse, in addition to being a writer for bUneke Magazine, is a fully accredited, cognitive behavioral psychotherapist and has worked for the NHS in the United Kingdom, for many years. She writes and speaks about psychology, mental health and overall wellbeing at, while advocating for holistic health a
June 4, 2020
Megan Prowse, in addition to being a writer for bUneke Magazine, is a fully accredited, cognitive behavioral psychotherapist and has worked for the NHS in the United Kingdom, for many years. She writes and speaks about psychology, mental health and overall wellbeing at, while advocating for holistic health and self-love.
Learn more!
Follow Megan on Instagram @citypsychchick
June 11
Renee King-Sonnen said veganism and the animal rights movement changed her at her core. It made her question herself and draw different conclusions about life. Veganism caused her to widen her circle of compassion to include all animals—human and nonhuman. She now fights for justice for animals of all species and people of all ra
June 11
Renee King-Sonnen said veganism and the animal rights movement changed her at her core. It made her question herself and draw different conclusions about life. Veganism caused her to widen her circle of compassion to include all animals—human and nonhuman. She now fights for justice for animals of all species and people of all races, genders, and sexual orientations.
Learn more!
June 25
July 2, 2020
August 20, 2020
Special 2 p.m. show!
Call in tonight at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time! #516-418-5651
August 20, 2020
Tonia Tewell
Donate so we can bring you more entertaining episodes to our radio show.
September 10, 2020
Jeane Cole
Call in tonight at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time! #516-418-5651
Thanks to your tax-deductible donations, we can continue providing high quality content and print earth-friendly copies for classrooms, campuses, and distribution worldwide.
Did you know that when you donate to bUneke Magazine, you become better looking? We did!
Did you know that, every year, bUneke promotes an average of 740 nonprofits, philanthropists, writers, artists, musicians, photographers, filmmakers, podcasts, and regular folk who are working today to improve tomorrow? That's 61+ each month, or two every day.
We appreciate YOU!
bUneke is world-changing, charitable 501c3 educational organization, thanks to your donations and volunteerism.
We have listeners in 101 countries. Tune in on Thursdays, for a fast-paced 60 minutes. We're booking months in advance!
Tell us who you'd like us to invite. Email, today!
You can Sponsor this show with guests booking months in advance, and connect your brand to blog posts, magazine articles and podcast episodes, starting at $15. Email mary@buneke.orgto get your brand in front of bUneke's audience of 2+ million!
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